Wednesday, 24 March 2010

DBA - we should all know

If you are anything like the 7thMan... always looking for a new way to save the earth, then you should and will know about DBA. A New York based company founded in 2008 with the goal of developing unique products that combine aesthetic strength, technical innovation, and ecologically effective principles.

Starting with the DBA pen, and where does one start to explain this fantastic product. It is the only 98% biodegradable pen in the world. Produced at a wind-powered facility in the United States, it was designed as a responsible alternative to the wasteful and often toxic pens we use everyday. The ink consists os few simple ingredients(water, nontoxic-pigments etc..)which means its safe for both humans and the environment.
The endless notebook is composed of chlorine-free, post-consumer recycled paper, and produced in the USA using 100% wind-based power.

The DBA pen and endless notebook are available for purchase as of now for shipment on April 1st. Order a pack or a set and learn more.

Be in the lookout with forthcoming products as simple as a dishwasher to a necessity as a heater.

To know more about DBA visit,

Contributing Editor - NJD

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