Monday, 22 November 2010

That's a Wrap

Danish designer Rene Gurskov had his Palestinian scarves started as a quick styling trick back in 2004. It was purposely created for the model and photographer’s demand to add on a press shoot, but eventually, it spread out across Copenhagen and everyone seemed to like it. Giving you a little bit of info, the Palestinian scarves were actually there on the streets and were an issue since the seventies. Thanks to Gurskov’s artistic creativity, he formally debuted his infamous sequin-decorated scarves through a collection back in 2005 and with a tremendous outcome; it became a first global bestseller for the brand.

The new collection of scarves have gone through interesting collaborations with leading graphic designers around the world that include Lars Johansen, Char Alonzo, Ron Wan, Leon Jorgensen, Michael Christensen, and WEIS. For Spring/Summer 2011 comes another set of wonderful designs. Adding to an already eccentric print collection is a series of mesh scarves combined with the signature sequin stylings:

For more, click here.
Words by Rolly Ibanez

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